
    Vězni barvy smrti

    competition film for 48h Film Project Prague, 2024

    The innocent Lea wakes up in captivity in New Zealand, where she has been imprisoned by the psychopath Lolak.

    Vězni barvy smrti

    Plácám, tedy jsem

    studio exercise

    Before closing time, restaurateur and amateur philosopher Pierre de Bon-bon sees an unexpected and mysterious guest in his pub, with whom he discusses his philosophical theory that "the human soul passes through the stomach" over wine, while also revealing what should remain secret. The elegantly dressed gentleman listens willingly, but his speech is enigmatic and gives the impression that perhaps he is not of this world.

    Plácám, tedy jsem Poster


    reklama na FAMO v Písku

    A music video for the music group Cliché, created as part of the Klipárna project in 2024.

    Strach Poster

    FAMO - Objev svůj talent!

    advertisement for FAMO v Písku

    Filip, a stressed young boy, confesses to his therapist and asks for help. The psychotherapist has tried all kinds of treatment to no avail, but he thinks of one last option - to offer Filip an application to FAMO in Písek to discover his talent.

    Objev svůj talent Poster

    Světlo na konci jeskyně

    movie for 48h Film Project Prague

    Three actors first rehearse a play by the mysterious director Karel Svoboda, whose tactics and plan are completely mysterious.

    Světlo na konci jeskyně Poster

    (NE)správný čas

    short movie

    Každý z nás se někdy zachoval jako zbabělec a následně toho litoval. Možnost napravit svoje zbabělé chování dostanou kamarádi Hugo a Arnošt, díky daru od zvláštního muže. Dokážou se kluci vyvarovat svých minulých chyb?

    (NE)Správný čas Poster

    Andělská rapsodie

    bakalářský absolventský film

    Teodor vnímá svůj život jako hudební dílo, jehož je tvůrcem. Vše, čemu se věnuje, je pro něj vášní. Včetně té nejtemnější vášně – kruté zabíjení lidí za jejich faleš a přetvářku. V představách se mu zjevuje postava dirigenta s jeho tváří, který určuje, koho má kdy odstranit, i v situaci, že se jedná o jeho nejbližší…

    Andělská rapsodie Poster


    seminar movie

    Dva kamarádi, herci Filip a Michal, jedou na výlet na Kuks. Atmosféra památného a magického místa však příběh zvrátí nečekaným, dramatickým směrem.

    Hříšníci Poster

    Neřízená střela

    music video for Alžběta Kolečkářová

    Po úspěšné zkušenosti v soutěži 48 Hour Film Project jsme s týmem MP's šli do další výzvy a účastnili jsme se prvního pilotního ročníku Klipárny. Ta spočíval v tom, že jsme měli jenom za 30h natočit viedeoklip k nové písničce interpreta, kterého jsme si vylosovali. Náhody neexistují, ale synchrony ano, a tak není divu, že jsem vylosoval zpěvačku Alžbětu Kolečkářovou, která seděla ve stejné řadě jako my, v duchu si nás jako štáb přála získat, a zastupuje ji M.P. production. Natáčeli jsme v narychlo domluvené lokaci Penta Hotel Prague, štáb se poskládal ze studentů 1. ročníku na FAMO, ve videoklipu se objevili mnou vylosovaní herci Petr Molčan a Julie Lustigová, a několik ochotných přátel ztvárnilo komparz.

    Neřízená střela Poster


    soutěžní film pro 48h Film Project Prague

    O Suraje od tragické autonehody, při níž mu zemřeli rodiče, pečuje jeho kmotr, kněz Martin. Když dcera mafiána zastřelí Martina i Surajovu přítelkyni Petru, musí Suraj najít způsob, jak se ubránit bolestným ztrátám.

    Suraj Movie Poster

    Zkouška dospělosti

    short film

    Young star pupil Matyáš Preiss is about to go through A levels. Despite his thorough preparation and the school's expectations, he gets dismissed. Is a secret classmate crush the cause of this sudden misfortune?

    Zkouska Dospelosti Movie Poster


    student film

    Two young couples meet at a party hosted by one of the couples. However, the party, unfortunately, turns sour as soon as they find out about each other's secrets. The truth will come to the surface.

    Popravde Movie Poster

    Viděno z nadhledu

    short documentary

    The iconic tower of Narozenní Panny Marie church in Písek has its caretaker. Alois Němec is a tower carer. Not only does he fondly offer information about the tower, city and its mutual history, but he also likes to venture into the photography field by taking photos of various Písek’s nooks. Not minding the weather, he is willing to walk up or climb up a place only to capture something special. His life motto “to be helpful” is fulfiled daily, not only by his service in the tower but also by connecting with people with whom he can share happiness, good and love.

    Videno z nadhledu Movie Poster


    silent etude

    Three men meet together, as usual, by the table to play another game of poker. Alois and Josef are, as always, out of luck. This can't be said about Stanislav, who seems to have a rather good hand in this. As the amount of chips rises so does the tension. Josef comes up with an ill-willed idea. What are even these men playing for?

    Particka Movie Poster

    Ryba načerno

    first short film

    Fisherman Jarda pays a visit to a beautiful south bohemian pond where he intends to go fishing. He carefully puts his bike away, prepares all the necessary equipment, gives himself a drink and then happily waits. The waiting is somewhat long which causes him to fall asleep in the beautiful surrounding countryside. He awakes when his fishing line finally comes to life. He immediately tries to pull the fine-looking carp to the shore. To his surprise, the carp isn’t the only one who gets to the shore.

    Ryba nacerno Movie Poster



    Radim and his classmates hear their unfavoured teacher Melichar talking about limiting access to a local stream called Bublák. This is where the majority of students spend their free time. Suddenly, a particularly miraculous marker appears. To everyone's surprise, this marker is able to not only save the stream from being closed to the public but also save relationships between classmates. In addition, the marker proves that friendly cohesion throughout the classroom can succesfully lead to achieving everything.

    FIXIT Movie Poster