Vězni barvy smrti
competition film for 48h Film Project Prague, 2024The innocent Lea wakes up in captivity in New Zealand, where she has been imprisoned by the psychopath Lolak.
Welcome to my website. It would be my pleasure if you could find what you are looking for here. In case you couldn't , and wanted to know more, don’t hesitate to contact me. I am happy to get in touch with you :)!
Ever since I was a child, I have found myself to be directing. Not only films, but my whole life, that I perceive with an ease and grain of irony. Filmmaking is a broad area that allows me to showcase and explore my life mission, that lies in storytelling. Furthermore, film as a medium proves to be the best way for my stories to come alive with all their accuracy.
If you are interested to know more about my filmmaking journey, click on “About→”.
By your Side (videoclip for Tonya Graves), Pátá svatba (teaser), Na cimpr campr (satire series), FIXIT (debut film) and more.
Mezi dveřmi, Limbo, Lov, Na hoře Sám (1st AD), Pokušení lidí (script supervisor), Upgrade (runner), Vzhůru do ráje (2nd AD, extra, runner), Eržika (runner, doubler), Za přechodem (runner), For All We Know (location scout, script supervisor). Osamocený (casting agent), Czechmate (episodic role), Whisky a krev za pár babek (casted as Nick), videoklip k písni Without (1st AD), vícekamerová cvičení Termiti, Stoupačka a Opravář (actor), Nukleární apokalypsa pro pokročilé pionýry (casted as a messenger).
Stefanova noční můra (casted as M. Fr. Preisler), Neznaboh (script, scenography, comparz), Vlaky (runner), Mona Lisa (script), Chaos 23 (project manager, casted as an editor), Upoutávka na 16. ročník MFF Juniorfest (lector and a creator), Zpátky do vozíku (project manager), multi camera course lecture Očištění a Duchařina (actor), advertisement for FAMO v Písku (actor, role director, auction attender, gangster), Ježíšek neexistuje (dabing of Ježíšek), Malé věci (extra, runner), Torzo (script), Sama (script), Tři kamarádi (2nd assistant director), Láska je věčná (1st AD), Poslední objednávka (1st AD), Tajemství života Bedřicha Smetany (role of Bedřich Smetana, 20 years), Pravidla hry (script), Okupant (2nd assitant director).
Once in a while I post on my blog ✍🏻. I usually post about movies, backstage stories or my opinions. (only in czech)
Czech only. I have been invited to a certain number of interviews in my professional career. Most of them can be traced online. Let me introduce you to some of them.
By your Side (videoclip for Tonya Graves), Pátá svatba (teaser), Na cimpr campr (satire series), FIXIT (debut film), Pod zakrytým úsměvem (TV Seznam series), Ryba načerno, Partička, Viděno z nadhledu, Popravdě, Zkouška dospělosti (student films), Suraj (short film for 48h Film Project Prague competition), Neřízená střela (videoclip for Alžběta Kolečkářová), Hříšníci (short university film), Andělská rapsodie (undergraduate film), Světlo na konci jeskyně (short movie for 48h Film Project Prague challenge), (NE)správný čas (short movie), FAMO - Objev svůj talent! (advertisement for FAMO in Písek), Strach (music video for Cliché), Plácám, tedy jsem, Vězni barvy smrti.
The innocent Lea wakes up in captivity in New Zealand, where she has been imprisoned by the psychopath Lolak.
Before closing time, restaurateur and amateur philosopher Pierre de Bon-bon sees an unexpected and mysterious guest in his pub, with whom he discusses his philosophical theory that "the human soul passes through the stomach" over wine, while also revealing what should remain secret. The elegantly dressed gentleman listens willingly, but his speech is enigmatic and gives the impression that perhaps he is not of this world.
A music video for the music group Cliché, created as part of the Klipárna project in 2024.
Filip, a stressed young boy, confesses to his therapist and asks for help. The psychotherapist has tried all kinds of treatment to no avail, but he thinks of one last option - to offer Filip an application to FAMO in Písek to discover his talent.
Každý z nás se někdy zachoval jako zbabělec a následně toho litoval. Možnost napravit svoje zbabělé chování dostanou kamarádi Hugo a Arnošt, díky daru od zvláštního muže. Dokážou se kluci vyvarovat svých minulých chyb?
Three actors first rehearse a play by the mysterious director Karel Svoboda, whose tactics and plan are completely mysterious.
Teodor vnímá svůj život jako hudební dílo, jehož je tvůrcem. Vše, čemu se věnuje, je pro něj vášní. Včetně té nejtemnější vášně – kruté zabíjení lidí za jejich faleš a přetvářku. V představách se mu zjevuje postava dirigenta s jeho tváří, který určuje, koho má kdy odstranit, i v situaci, že se jedná o jeho nejbližší…